I'd appreciate any information and expertise you all could share with me about Flagfish (Jordanella floridae). I'm a zookeeper (and nanfa member) and would like to display Flagfish in one of our tanks that feature "swampy" critters. It's a naturalistic tank that holds about 500 gallons of water. Currently in the tank are about 50 plus Gambusia, a Blackstripe Topminnow, Northern Studfish, a dozen Golden Topminnows (we're planning to get lots more of these--I think they're really nice looking fish!). Also in the tank are a dozen Southern Redbelly Dace ( I think these are more of a stream fish, but it's a long story, and now they've been included in our tank.) There are several crayfish, and assorted aquatic inverts (beetles, water scorpions) in the tank as well.
Would a couple dozen of the Flagfish be an appropriate number for this tank? Equal sex ratio? Has any one ever kept same sex numbers in a tank? I've heard they can be aggressive fin nippers at times to other Flagfish--is this true? What have you found to be their favorite foods?
I've read some articles I've found on the nanfa website--very helpful. This is the first time I'm posting something on the listserve. I enjoy all the useful info both here and on the website.
Thanks! Dori Puracchio