Re: NANFA-- Rainbow Shiners
Al G Eaton (
Wed, 20 Jun 2001 17:34:54 -0700 (PDT)
You should read Carol Johnstons paper on rainbow
shiners and rough shiners. In her paper she states
that rainbow male shiners exhaust themselves in
spawning and die shortly thereafter. It seems they
live about 15 months tops in nature. I visited a
rainbow shiner site in Monroe County, Alabama twice
this year. The first time was April 28th and
although the males were in color, the females were
still in prespawning color and no spawning fish or fry
were evident.... no fish were noticed over the Nocomis
nests in the stream. When I returned to the stream
almost two weeks ago, absolutely no adults were
evident and the only rainbow shiners that I found were
about 6 or seven mm long....definitely this years
recent spawn. In my own experience in my tanks, its
very important to feed the spawning fish a rich food
like ocean plankton whle they are spawning and after
spawning. Mine looked a little rough afterwards but
quickly recovered. Its imperative to feed them
without missing a day while they are in spawning
condition. I have a pair that are approaching three
years of age and still look great. And they spawned
for me both last year and this year.
--- Bruce Stallsmith <> wrote:
> I have a question for anyone who has had rainbow
> shiners spawn. Have you
> ever had a situation where the shiners will spawn
> and then die within a
> week?
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