NANFA-- RE: carp virus

Nicholas J. Zarlinga (
Fri, 22 Jun 2001 04:54:25 -0400

Most of my information on the virus was from personal communictions with a
goldfish guy and our Fish and Wildlife guys. As far as I know, nothing has
been identified and there has been no link to the carp deaths and this
proposed virus from Israel. I will follow up on this and see if I can find
any more info.

Nick Zarlinga
Aquarium Biologist
Cleveland Metroparks Zoo
216-661-6500 ex 4485

"Fish worship... is it wrong??" (Ray Troll)

On Saturday, June 23, 2001 1:48 AM, nanfa
[] wrote:
> ------------------------------
> Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2001 14:16:05 -0400
> From:
> Subject: NANFA-- Carp virus
> who was it that had the information on that carp killing virus?
> or more to the point, got more info on it?
> links?
> perhaps a sample? (just kidding on the sample, although......)

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