Rob Denkhaus
Fort Worth Nature Center & Refuge
"El muerto a la sepultura, el vivo a la travesura"
"The dead to burial, the living to mischief"
> I stand corrected by the man from the Lone Star State!
> Well said, Rob.
> --
> Jay DeLong
> Olympia, WA
> > > >I think aggressive ignorance is an oxymoron, but I like it. (-:
> > >
> > > Not me-- I think it's redundant!
> > >
> > > --
> >
> >No, not redundant either, at least in most cases. There are
> those of us who
> >aggressively pursue knowledge and understanding and there
> are those who
> >passively absorb what they observe but don't ever ask any
> questions. There
> >are those who passively ignore what goes on around them and
> there are those
> >who aggressively avoid learning the truth and argue in an
> attempt to hold
> >onto their ignorance. I see it as a continuum.
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