>There is a need for education.
>Brian Bastarache
Brian, you're 100% on the money. Knowledge is power. Information is
power. In a democracy the public has to understand the issues, and
unfortunately they usually get their information via mass media or not at
all. Mass media are so much about entertainment and ratings and
subscription rates. It can be hard to find the information one needs to
make informed decisions. As contact for the NANFA Education Grant, in the
last 6-8 weeks I've heard from at least a dozen people and groups from
coast to coast wanting to know how they can qualify for funds to educate
the public on native fish conservation. The troops are out there, but the
job is rather daunting; there is so much misinformation, greed, politics,
various religious needs, and more to sort through and sort
out. Personally, I commend you for your own efforts towards
education. Where, what and whom do you teach?
-- Jay DeLong Olympia, WA
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