In line with the thread about how we all got started in the aquarium, fish
keeping vein.........
My brother and I would wander the Mississippi River levee and catch some
really attactive minnows with red tails and some with "just" the lime
colored body (without the red tails)....we thought that they were juvenile
Bowfins! It was much later, when I first joined the American Killifish
Association in 1969 that I discovered that this fish was in fact the
Fundulus chrysotus (Golden Topminnow, as per Burr and Page.
My father and mother soon made a mistake as I would be roiling up their
favorite fishing waters with my new dip-net and bringing home further
specimens for my tubs and other containers that I could find, that would
hold water! ( I got the dip-net for my 8th birthday)
Ever since then, while I enjoy catching fish on hook-and-line, I never
forget to bring along a net and a bucket!
I hope that I have furthered the interest of native fish fans and killifish
fans by being an active member of both the AKA and NANFA, and nothing
pleases me more than helping people see, understand and appreciate the
fishes that are so beautiful and enjoyable, and furthermore: are right here
in our back yards!
Remember that all fish are native to somewhere, and _only_ there.
Best Regards!
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