> >>will probably have the wife and kid with me which probably
> won't come on the boat with us and will hang out at a local beach
> there's certainly enough hotels around and a small community east of
> savannah with a reasonable beach and hotels (tybee island, ga) and it's
> about 15 minutes away from where i live
Cool.I will book something as soon as we know what we are doing and when.
> >>Ok what is bait shrimping?
> the art of throwing a cast net (or dragging a net behind a small boat) to
> catch shrimp for bait. bait shrimping regulations are different for net
> size and where you are allowed to drag a net than the regulations for
> "food" shrimp.
> usually though, what i catch for bait and don't use comes home to meet the
> cast iron aquarium. unless the DNR is reading this and then i release
> them.
That was too funny ! ;-)
Do you catch anything else than shrimps while using this technique?
> >>Don't worry about that he {andy} said.Send all collected specimen to Pat
> in Atlanta
> hmmmm.....don't know about that. he sent me the specimen jars back in
> october or november and i've been too slack to fill them up and send them
> back. however, you may get to help fill them if i procrastinate much
> longer.....
Well look.I hate to kill animals so i'll help collect and will turn my back
when you dropped the little creature in the jar to its death.
But we will make Andy happy.
> >>Do you have a seine ?
> nope. and seining in the marsh grass (spartina) around here can be highly
> entertaining for the onlookers. mud up to your armpits in a lot of
> locations. maybe even most locations. i know some folks who have large
> (100 foot) seines but they insist on using those on the beaches for
> i'd be ground up for chum if i brought back a hundred feet of muddy seine.
Ok if this was boxing, you just knocked me out with a right to the chin....
No seining possible ?
How can we collect then ?
Shall we head for the beach ?
Shrimping i am sure is fun but i really would like to collect too.
Talking about getting buried, i got buried in a local lake (West point) once
and really got scared.My wife couldn't pull me out, i was up to my arm pits.
Atlanta -GA-
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