there was some interest in a collecting trip to NW Alabama at the last
hoedown, can I get a show of hands from people interested in a trip to the
Sipsey Fork, a trib to the Black Warrior River in Winston County, Alabama.
This river drains the Bankhead Nat'l Forest, has crystal clear water
(excellent snorkeling), beautiful rock formations, and has a unique fish
fauna. Highlights would be that this is one of the few places where you can
see river darters (Percina shumardi) in water clear enough to snorkel, plus
catch the endemic form of Warrior darter (Etheostoma cf bellator), lots of
Mobile logperch (Percina kathae), lots of fun cyprinids (Cyprinella
callistia, Notropis asperifrons, Phenacobius catostomus, etc.), and others.
The site I'm thinking about is the AL Hwy 33 bridge, which is roughly an
hour SW of Huntsville, or an hour NNW of Birmingham.
I'm busy through July, so early August (maybe the 1st weekend?) is best for
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