Are you coming to Big South Fork?
At 09:46 AM 6/27/01 -0500, you wrote:
>hey guys,
>there was some interest in a collecting trip to NW Alabama at the last
>hoedown, can I get a show of hands from people interested in a trip to the
>Sipsey Fork, a trib to the Black Warrior River in Winston County, Alabama.
>This river drains the Bankhead Nat'l Forest, has crystal clear water
>(excellent snorkeling), beautiful rock formations, and has a unique fish
>fauna. Highlights would be that this is one of the few places where you can
>see river darters (Percina shumardi) in water clear enough to snorkel, plus
>catch the endemic form of Warrior darter (Etheostoma cf bellator), lots of
>Mobile logperch (Percina kathae), lots of fun cyprinids (Cyprinella
>callistia, Notropis asperifrons, Phenacobius catostomus, etc.), and others.
>The site I'm thinking about is the AL Hwy 33 bridge, which is roughly an
>hour SW of Huntsville, or an hour NNW of Birmingham.
>I'm busy through July, so early August (maybe the 1st weekend?) is best for
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