RE: NANFA-- 2002 Camping Reservations

Crail, Todd (
Thu, 20 Jun 2002 12:03:11 -0400

You'll be driving into Urban Sprawl Hell. Ann Arbor is really cool and
has a lot of arts and culture based activities. That is to the point
that everyone is making *way* too much money and can afford to keep
one-up-ing each other with their houses away from city center. I'm
waiting for them to turn one whole field or oak savanna into *one*
house. :)

Here's a few places close by tho:

If rustic is your thing (a Pit toilet is the most modern convenience
;)... I've stayed at Waterloo. It's very quiet if it isn't hunting
season and has a lake right next to it. Pretty easy access back onto
I-94 as well. It's part of the Pinckney State Wildlife Area and has
fantastic sand dunes, kettle hole lakes and trails. I think it was only
$10 per night once we paid for the car and everything :)

If you can tolerate drunks, the KOA at Monroe would be fine and is
*right* by US-23 to get you back to the convention in a rush. They have
a copper treated lake with a big tunnel slide for the kidos. I'm sure
the KOA Detroit is the same deal.

Never heard of Maple Hill. Whitmore lake is back out in the Oak
Savanna/Dunes tho so it could be pretty nice.


-----Original Message-----
From: Denkhaus, Robert
Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2002 10:27 AM
To: ''
Subject: RE: NANFA-- 2002 Hotel Reservations


Is there any camping in the area?

Rob Denkhaus
Fort Worth Nature Center & Refuge

> -----Original Message-----
> From: lscalong
> Sent: Tuesday, June 18, 2002 9:12 PM
> To:
> Subject: NANFA-- 2002 Hotel Reservations
> To all members and non-members on this list who may be
> planning on attending
> the Convention in Ann Arbor, Michigan on August 1st through
> the 4th: You
> only have 12days! June 30th is the final day to reserve a
> room from the
> block being held for us. After that you are on your own and
> it may be hard
> to find a room because of a hardwear convention in town the
> same weekend.
> This is not to say you won't get one; I am just not sure what will be
> available after that date. As a reminder, the number to the
> hotel where the
> convention is being held is (734) 665-4444. (Note: The
> number in the A.C.
> ad is missing the last digit (4).)
> Hope to see you there!
> Leo Long
> Troy, Michigan
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