NANFA-- RE: Darters - a bit of a disaster...

Bob Sinclair (
Tue, 24 Jun 2003 23:17:52 -0700


Anne and I and son Bob from New Hampshire had a great time at
the Huntsville convention. Our belated thanks and congratulations
to all who worked so hard to make it the success it was.

But I have a problem:

With the security procedures now in place at the nation's airports,
we decided I would bring out "catch" back to Santa Barbara rather
than risk having son Bob's fishes refused at check-in. My intention
was to mail around half of the fishes to New Hampshire in breather
bags. Unfortunately, I had a huge die off within a few days of getting
home, and lost most of the lovely darters we brought home with us
from Alabama. Hard to tell why, as I checked the water carefully
before adding the fishes. :-(

If anyone living in "darterland" would be kind enough to send some
replacements for my aquaria and Bob's, I would be very grateful
indeed. The more colorful species, the better. :-)

I lost one Emerald, several each of Banded, Rainbow, and a few
colorful critters that I hadn't gotten around to identifying. Since I'll
be sharing with son Bob, I can use a good batch.

The only species suitable for aquaria in these parts are Threespine
Sticklebacks - Gasterosteus aculeatus. I will be happy to send as
many as you like in trade for the darters, if that's of interest.

Bob Sinclair
Casa Sueqo
1025 N. Ontare Road
Santa Barbara CA 93105

Phone 805/682-0247
Cell 805/455-5952

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