the first few months...
they stay nice. presentable. even fashionable among peers.
the next few months... a bit faded and maybe a few stains from bar-b-que and
a spontaneous creekings or two.
the following year... a few holes from snags and barb wire... not too good
for general public viewing but plenty fine for fishhead fellowship and
acceptable in all but the finest of eating establishments as long as you tip well.
the next year... getting a wee bit grungy from belly snorkeling and muck
wallowing. pretty frayed... torn... barely legible but one can still make out the
letters "NANFA".
sometimes an odor lingers you just cant make out... or wash out.
presentable but only among hard core ditch netting fishheads and dining is
generally restricted to drive throughs or mre's under bridges.
the last year...
good for all out grunging activities such as crawlspace maintenance or pig
catching but you generally dont want to be observed by fellow humans.
and finally, for me...
cleaning up paint brushes, cleaning up dirty paint brushes and then staining
woodwork and finally just before the toss to the garbage bin... cleaning up
any aqua teal enamel paint spills.
they still could be utilized further in starting bonfires but are generally
unsafe to store for any period of time.
that is how i get full usage of my 100% cotton NANFA shirts.
i want to propose a contest for this year-in-the sc 2004 convention...
modeling the most well worn and worn out nanfa convention shirt... the winner
gets a new shirt whatever size they like.
probably a saturday night mid auction activity.
no artifical faked wear... gotta be genuine and earned from activity!
muskrat or beaver bite marks are a valued feature. any accompaning blood
stains will add scoring points as would venom stains.
final selection will be made by cheering, whooping and cat calls. remember...
any modeling skills will enhance your chances of winning.
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