Re: NANFA-- Bully stonecats?
Mark (
Tue, 8 Jun 2004 09:04:46 -0400
At 5:35 AM -0700 6/8/04, matt ashton wrote:
>Last week on the Ohio regional trip to the Grand River I picked up 3
>stonecats, 2 greenside darters, 2 blackside darters, 1 log perch, 6
>redfin shiners, and one rainbow darter. Over the course of the week
>all but one of my redfin's systematically bit the dust, with brusing
>to their tail fin and eventually losing all control of their
>direction and depth. I figured they were just beating themselves up
>in a new environment but now one of my greensides have the same
>brusies along its caudal peduncle and fraying of the caudal fin
>rays. I am really starting to suspect that the stonecats are beating
>up on these fish-in-night. Has anyone ever seen this. I need one or
>more hiding places for the stonecats still but I would still like to
>keep one of them if I have to give the stonecats the boot. Any
>suggestions? Any thoughts or known occurances of this behaviour?
What is the size of the tank and the relative sizes of the fishes?
Also verify that the fin damage is due to physical trama and not
bacterial rot, which is common in newly acquired wild fishes.
Logperch can also be aggressive.
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