Oh goodness no! In fact, this is a conversation I think the BOD would want
to encourage! We have done a woeful job-in-promoting NA marine species and
their husbandry (mainly because there just hasn't been any interest, which I
think is a viscious feedback loop), and this is something I know I would
personally like to see changed. I have my trips to the Keys lined up here
with all sorts of marine and estuary fish, algaes and inverts... Hoping to
get a lot of shots while down-in-the Convention way too. That and just
waiting for it to get too hot and hay fever riddled to go fishin, and the
stress of sitting-in-a computer all day, out of the way. I gotssome time
off coming here in August ;)
And I'll say this... I made one _very_ happy reefkeeper with the organisms I
brought back on my Florida Marine Liscence this time. She never realized
how many different kinds of completely _sweet_ algaes there are out there.
Heck, some days I think most of them are better than a lot of the brown
coral you see in most shops :)
I'd like to second everything Shane has said... And I want to _seriously_
emphasize what Trey has said, and Moon followed up with. You can either
spend the money up front and have something you really like, or be $1000
down the road and not have something you really like, or even worse,
something you totally hate. I've seen it too many times-in-my shop, online,
and people who've contacted me off my website or via a mutual friend.
Now, why I got out of reefkeeping was mostly due to an intensifying allergy
to cnidarian proteins... But I sure don't miss the cost either ;)
It's kind of a game of excesses.
It's never too late to have a happy childhood.
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