I am teaching my "Identifying California's Inland Fishes" class through UCD
Extension again this summer (July 21-22) and there are still spaces
available. A complete course description and contact information are below.
Please feel free to edit, add to, and redistribute this e-mail to anyone you
think may benefit. I'm happy to answer any questions that you or anyone
else has about this course. My e-mail is samatern-in-juno.com
Many thanks!
Scott Matern
Identifying California's Inland Fishes - course description: This course
will teach techniques for identifying adult and juvenile inland fishes in
California, and will focus on species of the Central Valley. It is designed
with practical application in mind and is well-suited for fisheries
technicians, enforcement personnel, biologists, environmental consultants,
and anyone who needs to make quick and accurate identification of
California's inland fish-in-the family, genus and species level.
Seventy-three species representing 21 families, including all major inland
game fishes of California will be covered. Participants will learn
techniques and anatomical features used in fish identification and will be
given ample time to build their skills and confidence with hands-on
identification of preserved and fresh specimens in the laboratory.
Participants are also encouraged to bring in their own fish samples to be
identified by the class. Course materials include a list of diagnostic
characteristics for each of the 73 species covered in the course, as well as
quick-reference field identification charts and drainage-by-drainage
distribution tables for each of these species. Supplementary materials
include a comprehensive, illustrated key to identifying all the inland
fishes of California and a listing of all the special status (protected)
species in the state.
Instructor(s): Scott Matern, Ph.D. (UCD Ecology), is an instructor-in-Diablo
Valley College in the Department of Biological Sciences.
When: July 21 10:00-4:30 and July 22 8:30-3:00. Please note the times
listed in the catalog (9:00-4:30) are incorrect.
Where: Academic Surge Building, California Ave. and La Rue Rd., U. C. Davis,
Fee: $360 (includes course material).
Credit: 1.0 CEU, 10 hours, 10 MCLE hours.
Section: 041NAT252
Special Discounts: $324 for organizations enrolling three or more people at
the same time in the same courses. All registrations must be submitted at
the same time and fees paid with one check, credit card or purchase order.
For complete info or to enroll, go to
http://universityextension.ucdavis.edu/courses From the list of topics,
click "natural resources" and then you'll see the course listed as
"Identifying California's Inland Fish." Click that and you'll get the
course description, etc. Alternatively, you can call 1-800-752-0881 and
sign up for section 041NAT252.
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