This is just a short e-mail to gauge how much interest there is. Members of
all the local clubs are welcome, and if you'd like to forward this to an
e-mail list, please feel free. Once I hear from people, I'll try to make a
consensus decision
Regarding a location, we're leaning heavily toward returning to Paintbranch
Creek in College Park, on the University of Maryland Campus. It's a
beautiful, clear clean stream that offers opportunities for snorkeling.
We've collected satinfin shiners there--a beautiful little minnow with
silver-satiny fins. I couldn't find a good picture of one on the web that
does them justice, but here's a link to a drawing
We were also debating a longer trip, down to Zekiah Swamp outside Waldorf,
for flier
bluespotted sunfish
redfin pickerel
and warmouth
Wally had mentioned collecting in the Patapsco-in-the end of Route 29. I've
never collected there, but the Maryland stream survey reports that there are
some rosyside dace there
Finally, the best location that I know of for rosyside dace, as well as
sculpins and fantail darters is Little Bennett Creek, near Clarksburg. It's
probably the cleanest stream in Montgomery County, with a lot of little side
Thanks, all.
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