to all considering attending...
dave neely showed me the new alabama book in sc. it is very nice and BIG.
dave himself has several illustrations in it along w/ tomelleri's color work. i
want it. the one donated to our sc auction went for 100 bucks.
dave also gave me a discount form which takes 11 bucks off the list $55
price. also by ordering several books-in-once we can save substantianally on the
initial $10 shipping charge per book as additional books are just $1.50 more for
thus if anyone wants one of these books and will be attending the sipsey
gathering we can pool our order. bruce, steve, stott, ranger bob... anyone else?
the books are $44. each and we will divide up the shipping cost between us.
great deal!
let me know asap as i should place our order early next week to insure their
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