Re: NANFA-- Maine salmon vote
R. W. Wolff (
Wed, 1 Mar 2000 11:05:16 -0800
Is this for real? Anyone any where who gets this message can vote on
declaring a fish in Maine endangered? No wonder
species that seem just fine are listed. It seems
that there is a race to list everything. Once that happens, we can all stay
home and hope the government doesn't find any of these species in our yards,
or we will have to move. Where... probably that new space station on mars.
There is a similar debate here in Wisconsin , over a mourning dove hunt.
We all know that they are cute and cuddly, and also know that over half the
states in the union allow there hunting, but not here in Wisconsin. It is
our " official bird of peace" ( we already have a state bird, the robin).
What, give every animal some official label so that it can't be bothered?
I'm all for protecting species in peril, but like in the case of the dove
( its migration is 10 times all duck species combined which are huntable)
protecting things just for the sake of it, or because it is the popular
thing to do is not.
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