Re: NANFA-- PR-friendly common names

Scott Davis (
Sat, 10 Mar 2001 21:05:32 -0600

> >From now on, maybe undescribed "cold and slimies" should be given "warm
> >fuzzy" or "patriotic" common names to serve as a form of public relations
> >"protection." Disregard whether these names have any descriptive value

> >Can you think of others?

How about the American Flagfish. ;)

Mom's madtom
God's darter
the apple pie carpsucker
and the Chevrolet topminnow.

Of course then someone will have to figure out whose Mom, what vision of
God, which pie recipe and what model topminnow. (Can't have killies
anymore - they're all killerfish anyway.)

All the best!

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