>I have several Rainbow Shiners, 1 male and several females and noticed
>a couple of the females have "plumped" up. Being that the others have not
>am assuming that these two are becoming gravid. What should/can I do to
>facilitate breeding? I have never bred these fish before. They are in a
>with some Flag Fish and the temp is around 66F. It is a fine gravel bottom
>with some rocks and a single piece of upright driftwood. To add to that I
>am leaving on vacation Saturday and will not be able to supervise them.
>person that will be feeding them while I am gone is not a fish person, so
>tasks must be kept simple.
> Any help is appreciated.
Try the old Danio breeding method--put a bunch of marbles or such on the
bottom, maybe in heaps. In nature they form spawning aggregations over
_Nocomis_ or _Campostoma_ nest mounds,with eggs rattling down between the
gravel and stones. Where I've caught them in Alabama, they live over gravel
in running creeks, and I've caught some honking stonerollers in the same
area (those guys were keepers, upwards of 16-17 cm long!). They also breed
in mixed groups with other _Notropis_ such as xaencocephalus, the Coosa
shiner, over these mounds.
--Bruce Stallsmith
Huntsville, AL
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