The website Jim Schweitzer made for my aquariums (he gets the website &
photo credits): Let me know if there are any
The pictures on the site were taken with a Sony Mavica Jan 2001 (Bass
aquarium was only 1 week old at the time...). I've added SEVERAL live plants
to the aquariums (Valentines Day) since these pictures were taken.
The Largemouths were only 8 1/2 & 9 inches then; now they are 9 1/2 & 10
inches...and GROWING! I caught them in July 2000 at the tiny size of 1
1/2". Peaches (dominant) is the larger, more 'curious' Largemouth. Herb
(recessive) is the shy one. They live in the 75 gallon with one crawdad.
Note Herb's spotting pattern in the one picture. They become spotted just
before (feeding) attacking prey.
The Bluegills (11 total) haven't been named except for Fatty Patty & Huge
Lou. They were all the same size when I caught them in July 2000. The
smallest is about 2 1/2" and the largest (Huge Lou) is 5 1/2". Their home is
a 29 gallon with one large red & black crawdad.
The Brook Sticklebacks remind me of cartoon hummingbird/fish. Some of these
have passed. Currently, I have 7 in a 10 gallon. All sizes & colors, all
have 5 spine except for 1-it's a six spine! I love to watch all the
posturing & antics.
If you have any questions/comments feel free to email me directly at .
Amy aka Lion's Lark
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