what do you think of the new ROCKY the prize fighter in nanfa. Rocky Rego.
too bad his mommy named him Rick. I like the name Rocky. maybe we could
legally change his name to Rocky for him. then the new AC will not have a
mistake. hehe.
george "snow bound" arndt
going a bit flakey waiting for the ice to melt.
i need some good slopping around in some muddy water
getting all messed up so I can feel great catching a
minnow. and not just any minnow. but a nanfa minnow.
we need to save NATUR NUT. he is thinking about how lovely some non-native
fish would be in his aquarium. send the life preservers to NATUR NUT. the
michigan snow is affecting his mind. hehe.
>From: Jay DeLong <thirdwind_at_att.net>
>Reply-To: nanfa_at_aquaria.net
>To: nanfa_at_aquaria.net
>Subject: Re: NANFA-- butter cat
>Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2001 09:46:13 -0800
>Let it be known that on this day I (the "Recipient") relinquish any and all
>claims to the previously awarded plant materials (the "Prize") and hereby
>absolve myself of any claims to and contractual obligations regarding the
>Prize or any other items involving one Ken-in-the-desert (the "Donor"), or
>the family or heirs of said Donor. Donor is free to award the Prize to
>other recipient of his choice without possibility of legal or other
>consequences from Recipient.
>Jay DeLong
>Olympia, WA
>>Butter catfish
>>On www.planetcatfish.com they have 2 fish listed as butter catfish
>>Schilbe intermedius and Schilbe mystus (also called
>>grasscutter). They are both in the family Schilbeidae. The give
>>credit for their pictures to aqualog. Try there for more info or
>>searching by their scientific names.
>>Ken Wintin wrote:
>> > -----Original Message-----
>> > From: Scott D. Goett [SMTP:sdgoett_at_ufl.edu]
>> > Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 5:47 AM
>> > To: nanfa_at_aquaria.net
>> > Subject: Re: NANFA-- butter cat
>> >
>> > I thought I gave the right answer
>> > [Ken Wintin]
>> > Scott,
>> > I haven't seen your answer, which may explain why you have been
>> > What was your answer? If it is close, you get AQUATIC plants. email
>> > off list, at kwintin_at_desertmuseum.org, and I'll let you know what is
>> > available thisSpring.
>> >
>> > Ken-In-The-Desert
>> >
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