NANFA-- Elassoma collecting trip
Sun, 25 Mar 2001 22:39:41 EST
Were back from a beautiful day of collecting, weather was nice 75 and sunny.
It wasn't the fish filled days described by Ross Brock "Swamping though
Georgia and Florida" but nonetheless we came back with pygmy sunfish :) 3
females 1 male all caught in the same location.Male was in full breeding
color when first collected but soon turn a dull brown. The water temperature
was 60 deg. and very acid 5.0! I brought home 5 gallons to help offset our
alkaline well water. It helped a little, got the water to 6.5. went to the
LFS and got some pH decreaser which I added sat night and got it down to 5.5,
by this morning the male was back to full color again and they all seam to be
doing well. He's staked out a little spot up in some floating plants and does
his dance every time one of the females swims by. IM still amazed at how fast
they adapt.
Still Learning everyday
Paul Wager
Ft. White Fl.
PS found out what Okefenokee means ... the hard way
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