Ah yes, I'll collect regardless of the conditions...it's having to deal
with the cold 24/7 that gets on my nerves. Heck, that's a huge reason I
moved south in the first place! As for my car...that junkyard refugee tends
to slide off the road whether there's ice or not. (-:
About the MS trip, I'd love to go. I'm long overdue to meet our
distinguished MS rep., but I may not be able to do that trip and the
Okefenokee trip all in the same month. Getting the time off from two jobs
is no easy matter. At the moment, I'd be doing good to come up with gas
money to MS. (-: Have a great time, and take some pics to show the rest of us.
BTW, my full wetsuit tends to foil most sunfish attacks. Real men fight
Steven A. Ellis
Kennesaw, GA
At 06:04 AM 3/1/02 -0800, you wrote:
>Now Steve, are you going to whine about a little cold
>weather while your car slides off the frozen roads, or
>are you going to go to MS next weekend and grow some
>hair on your chest for greensunfish to pick it? This
>enquiring mind wants to know. You haven't really
>collected until you get out there when its 10 degrees
>and you have to worry about ripping the slime and
>scales off the fish because they freeze to the netting
>from the time you pull them out of the water and you
>put them into a bucket....ouch.
>Sounds like fun ...Martin whats in that watershed?
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