--- Pete Liptrot <coelacanth_at_btinternet.com> wrote:
> > When tetras were often shipped direct from their
> > home waters we sometimes found candiru mixed in .
> They
> > were small and clear so sometimes went un-noticed.
> I
> > think they most often came in with cardinal
> tetras.
> I have some of these in a small aquarium next to my
> elbow here. These are a
> Tridensimilis species from Peru. In a community of
> small fish they are
> inoffensive, but I am reliably informed that members
> of this genus are
> facultative parasites on larger fish.
> > The mystery is why some tribes in
> > candiru areas fear them and others laugh at the
> very
> > idea
> This topic and the 'do they, don't they?' question
> took up quite a thread
> recently on the Catfish list (also on aquaria.net).
> There is a wide range of trophic adaptations in the
> Trichomycteridae, and
> there are certainly some that are obligate parasites
> (and so difficult to
> maintain in aquaria from both an operational and
> ethical standpoint).
> If anyone wants more information on Catfish as a
> whole (including some pics
> of Trichomycterids) take a look at;
> http://www.planetcatfish.com
> Pete Liptrot.
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Bill Hoppe
Yellville Arkansas
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