Aggressive fish like greenies can also be the most endearing fish to
keep because they have *such* an attitude. They make for fine specimen
tanks. Perhaps you'd consider getting a 15 or 20 gallon setup (you'll
find them in the local trading post / paper for cheeeap), and keeping it
for the rest of it's life. This way too, it can stay named "lil buddy"
instead of "lil ba_at_#$%!" :)
As well, you alleviate the need to remove another wild one... And they
look so way cooler as adults. It would also be neat to watch it grow
Otherwise... See if anyone was looking for one for their tank.
As a side note... A good thing to ask yourself before you put any
specimen in a bucket is "This fish will live for x years. Do I want it
that long?" I know it's helped me put back a lot of fish :)
Hope this helps..
-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Migchelbrink
Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2002 11:37 AM
Subject: Re: NANFA-- Beware the green sunfish
Never thought of that. Sometimes I'm a dummy!
Although I doubt I could introduce anything new (pathogen wise) to a
trib-most of these streams have already been to hell and back. Other
fish, I'd
worry about
readjusting to a natural envirnment, but this is a green sunfish.
Any better ideas on what to do the the little fella this spring?
involving euthanizing
him is an absolute no go, the wife would smack me senseless if I did
that to her
"little buddy"!
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