Disease issues (and genetics issues) are very important to us and like I told Jay, all fish have a sub-set screened before release. This takes several weeks and is quite an inconvenience....but worth the trouble. We have always taken great pains to avoid releasing anything we weren't confident about, but it is nice to be able to have them screened first anyway.
We have had fish in the past we suspected of having problems. These were not released...none of them. We have regular meetings with state and federal agencies along with individuals from hatcheries, public aquaria, universities and private organizations to discuss protocal for what we do. I'd love to see a NANFA rep there as well....maybe for next years' meeting???
Hope this answers your questions.
From: "Bruce Stallsmith" <fundulus_at_hotmail.com>
> Date: 2002/03/21 Thu PM 06:34:46 EST
> To: nanfa_at_aquaria.net
> Subject: Re: NANFA-- Beware the green sunfish
> >Where's the differance between what CFI does and anybody else releasing
> >fish?
> >Jim Graham
> Mostly that they're contracted by state and federal management agencies to
> do what they do, under formal supervision. It's entirely possible that they
> could accidentally introduce some pathogen into a stream system, but that's
> a calculated risk hopefully minimized by their professional operation (we
> all hope!). We could always ask directly: hey JR, what protocols do you guys
> have for not spreading pathogens? Thanks.
> --Bruce Stallsmith
> Huntsville, AL, US of A
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