You could also try any of the Goodeids. Ameca
splendens for example has nice yellow edges to the
caudal fin. In the wild those yellow fins are red or
orange....would be a fun experiment to see if outdoor
culture brought the wild color back.
--- Leo Arieux <> wrote:
> Bob :
> If I may suggest, there a whole bunch of livebearers
> South of the Border
> and many in Mexico. There is a very knowledgeable
> gentleman in the American Livebearers Assoc. who is
> much better equipped
> to assist you in this area than I.
> His name is William "Bill" Allen and his E-Mail addy
> is:
> A real nice fellow with a large store of
> information....he has written
> many items for the ALA magazine. You can also buy
> exotic livebearers on
> Aqua Bid. Hope this helps. Have a good evening.
> Leo
> P S If I can be of further assistance please let
> me know.
> ************************************
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