Re: NANFA-- Pygmy killifish spawning (!)
Sun, 2 Mar 2003 19:40:04 EST
pygmy ( lemon ) killies...
definitely one of my favs. ive pulled a few out of some dark ditch water in
the panhandle... the males were OUTSTANDING. my first 2 or 3 attempts to
bring home a few males and females were all meet w/ a cottony fungus that
quickly took them out. my last attempt used salt which helped a lot.
predation got most from the okee 1 trip ( we blame the blue spotted sunfish
that shared the cooler ) but 1 female lived for several months.
i have a nice 13 gallon jar that i intend to populate w/ a small colony of
ONLY pygmy killies. the jar has no mechanical devices except for the 2) 60
watt incadescent light bulbs shining on it... yet it is lush w/ a variety of
plants. pretty neat. no algae. currently it houses 2 seminole killies, 2
banded pygmy sunnies, snails, several glass shrimp, 1 drawf crayfish, 1
sailfin mollie, small tadpole & 1 least killie. the trick is getting them out
of a very narrow mouthed bottle without disturbing the substrate. :) a fast
siphon is probably the trick.
great on the success bruce... even tho it did not occur while you were
looking :)
a good suprise!
btw... the worse pic i have ever seen of a pygmy killie is in the fishes of
alabama... yeow that hurts!
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