>Subject: Fish Photos?
>Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2003 11:41:55 -0600
>From: "Julie G. Traweek" <JGTraweek_at_catw-tx.org>
>My name is Julie Traweek, and I'm the project specialist for The Woodlands
>Parks and Recreation Department in The Woodlands, Texas. We are
>renovating our marsh park, with the goal of turning it into an outdoor
>classroom for local students and residents, and we are adding interpretive
>signs about the flora and fauna of the area. I'm having trouble finding
>pictures for the animal signs, and noticed that the NANFA web site has
>some great ones. I've attached a list of the pictures we are looking for
>(the ones we still need are highlighted)--can you talk to your
>photographers and find out if we can get permission to use any of their
>photos? They would be properly credited. If you have any questions,
>please feel free to contact me at your convenience. Thanks very much for
>your help!
>Julie Traweek
>Project Specialist
>The Woodlands Parks & Recreation Dept.
>The Woodlands, TX
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