Zigler, S.J., M.R. Dewey, B.C. Knights, A.L. Runstrom, and M.T. Steingraeber.
2003. Movement and Habitat Use by Radio-Tagged Paddlefish in the Upper
River and Tributaries. North American J. Fisheries Manage. 23(1):189-205.
I would also be interested in any other "good" paddlefish papers that you
might be aware of. A couple of times each year, a fisherman talk about seeing
what is usually described as a "weird catfish" in the West Fork of the Trinity
River which runs through the Fort Worth Nature Center & Refuge. Some of the
more detailed descriptions sound a lot like a paddlefish so I would like to
see some decent papers describing habitat requirements and other pertinent
Rob Denkhaus
Fort Worth Nature Center & Refuge
9601 Fossil Ridge Road
Fort Worth, TX 76135
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