The first thing you should do is take a look at the Desert Springs Action
Committee website which has tons of pics and info on Ash Meadows. then click on habitats.
You cannot snorkel in Ash Meadows, but it is easy to stand/sit by the
spring pools and observe fish. The best place is Kings Pool in the
morning. For some reason the pupfish in this spring always seem to be the
bluest. You'll see tons of pupfish, as well as a stack of
introduced crap such as gambusia, mollies, crayfish and more recently
convict cichlids (in Fairbanks Spring only). You'll probably be able to
see speckled dace in Bradford Spring.
Rogers Spring is a wierd kinda place that is well worth a visit. The
spring is nice and warm and you can swim/snorkel it. It has no natives,
but mollies, gambusia, convicts and more recently Texas cichlids are all
pretty common. Every time I go there we find some new surprise (the last
time it was a knifefish and a pleco). It is in a national park
(recreation area actually, but same regs apply), so you cannot collect any
fishes, and people will typically hassle you if you do.
Peter J Unmack
> From: "Norman Edelen" <>
> Reply-To:
> Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2003 01:05:57 -0800
> To: "NANFA" <>
> Subject: NANFA-- Ash Meadows
> Hello All,
> I am going to be spending a bit of time in Reno, Nevada, and am considering
> visiting Ash Meadows, Death Valley, and perhaps Roger's Spring. Any advice
> on these locations. I am planning on no collecting of course, but am
> wondering if the fishes of interest can be observed from shore, or perhaps
> if snorkeling might be possible in some areas?
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