Today was a bit different. No pictures, and nothing really caught. It was
just amazing. A high of 12 degrees last Sunday to 70 today with bright sun
and nice winds. A lot of water is opening up and I think some of the fish
have dispersed from the tight holding in small pockets of open water.
At Plank Hill, which is the mouth of Lynn Creek where it flows into the
Wisconsin River we seen tons of emerald shiners. The river is down as it is
every late winter , mostly to accept run off, and the area is roughly twenty
feet wide , and two feet deep about. It was literally wall to wall emerald
In this mix all together there was:
Emerald shiners
central mudminnows
Probably many other fish but we did not bring the seine net.
Up in the riffles by the road there were:
fantail darters
rusty crawfish.
Then we went out to the marsh, and stopped by several of the spots on the
web link above. Only a few iowa darters to be had today, although we didn't
try all that hard. Just dipped around a bit because it was too nice of a day
to sit home. After a long cold winter, this was a welcome reward.
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