Elassoma okefenokee... don't really need to say much more... other than I
thought I saw one or more eating tonight... could be the food I added or
could be something too small for me to see in the java moss that I had
outside in a trash can of rain water.
Their tank mates L. ommata... no picture does this tiny beauty justice...
"burn your eyes out yellow gold"... ignore Peterson's there is nothing dusky
about this yellow... I wasn't that interested in these before I came home
and found 6 mixed in with the topminnows (thanks Geoff).
Phillip out standing in his field... or prairie...
8+ feet of gator
Steven's brook silverside... again ignore your field guide... darker above
and highlighter yellow down the middle... too pretty to try to keep,
released very healthy.
Standing in the swamp about hip deep and hearing the tour boat guy say...
"oh theres a gater just off in front of the boat there on thr right
side!"... and realizing that you are standing on what would be thr right
side of his boat only about thirty feet ahead of him...
BBQ... deserved a whole post of it's own... on just how to get to the
place... and the friendliness of the owner/operators.
F. lineolatus at dusk with bright red faces... after we thought we coldn't
find anything in the backwaters of the Suwanee River due to the high water.
F. cingulatus everywhere... swimming around in the swamp... in the rivers...
acting like bait near the baot launch... everywhere
Frogs that hop on the lily pads... and on the water if there is no lily pad
available... they don't swim, just hop on the surface of the water.
mystery pickerel fingerling... yeah I know I should have, but he is just too
cool... we'll see how long it takes him to eat his way through the 30 gallon
full of guppies.
Elassomas doing well so far... chasing smaller fish, and picking pelleted
food off the top of leaves in a tea stained 55 gallon tank.
My Dad piloting out boat through the swamp canals and my son dipnetting in
the native lily pads (yeah I know that one is just for me, but hey).
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