Two summers ago I went to one of the nature centers along the Rocky
River in Cleveland and saw a display of a childrens' book from my
distant past. It was about a canoe that carved by an indian child and
sent on its way down the St. Lawrence River/Seaway. Its trip begins
sitting on top of a snow covered hill in the winter awaiting the spring
melt. As the snow melts it takes with it the canoe and enters the St.
Larence drainage. The book covers all the adventures it encounters on
its way to the sea. I couldn't remember the name of the book but after
doing a bunch of googleizing I came across it. The name is "Paddle to
the Sea". Is anyone familiar with this book? It too, has great
artwork, and was published in 1946. A quick search on E-Bay landed me
an original 1st edition for $12.00. It is still in print and has won
several awards. It is a great book to introduce younguns to the world
of geography and Ecology.
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