> I contacted the biologist at the Seattle Aquaruim, Roland C. Anderson, PhD,
> he is the formost authority on Octopus dofleini. His response is below:
> Hi Tom,
> We were the first to raise a giant Pacific octopus from an egg. One
> survived, and it died of old age (65 pounds) at three years. I suspect some
> live a bit longer in colder waters (Alaska), hence the 3-5 year range.
> Glad I could help.
> Roland
> Roland C. Anderson, PhD
> Biologist
> The Seattle Aquarium
> 1483 Alaskan Way
> Seattle, WA 98101 USA
He is probably right, I talk to so many people about fish I get confused
sometimes but I am surprised at the 5 years max age. I know the woman told me 18
months to maybe 24 in captivity. Maybe she was keeping hers a little bit
warmer. Contact this list they will know for sure <A
HREF="http://www.dal.ca/~ceph/TCP/index.html">The Cephalopod Page; Octopuses, Squid, Cuttlefish, and Nautilus
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