I believe that is an Old Freshwater Drum (Aplodinotus grunniens). There are a number of species of sunfish and both species of crappie in that tank. I have pretty well given up trying to ID them due to extensive hybridization. When I go sampling sometimes it seems like there are two kinds of fish in this world; Sunfish and all the others.
BTW that "Tank" you're looking at is an outdoor pond, exposed to all the elements, with one Glass (4" acrylic)side to view. Our winter was very warm this year so there is lots of green water everywhere already. I have seen it at times, crystal clear, with a 5' forest of Elodea off to one side. Really cool stuff.
> From: Sajjad Lateef <sajjadlateef_at_yahoo.com>
> Date: 2004/03/15 Mon AM 08:02:53 CST
> To: nanfa_at_aquaria.net
> Subject: Re: NANFA-- Record Blue and Miscellany
> From: "John B" <bongi_at_cox-internet.com>
> Sent: Saturday, March 13, 2004 8:57 PM
> Subject: NANFA-- Record Blue and Miscellany
> > http://www.cox-internet.com/pretzelogic/images/paddlefish2.jpg
> What is that other large fish on the bottom left of this picture?
> Is that a sunfish at the bottom right in front of the eelgrass?
> I think that I see the vague outline of a crappie behind the
> paddlefish in the middle.
> Sajjad
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