> From:
> Date: 2004/03/15 Mon PM 01:43:41 CST
> To:
> Subject: Re: NANFA-- Record Blue and Miscellany
> In a message dated 3/15/04 11:02:40 AM Eastern Standard Time,
> writes:
> >
> > BTW that "Tank" you're looking at is an outdoor pond, exposed to all the
> > elements, with one Glass (4" acrylic)side to view. Our winter was very
> warm
> > this year so there is lots of green water everywhere already. I have seen
> it
> > at times, crystal clear, with a 5' forest of Elodea off to one side.
> Really
> > cool stuff.
> >
> Where is this tank and how big is it? I have often thought about building a
> window into a pond type tank with the pond out side and the window inside like
> in a basement next to the pond.
> Moon
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