I do not know _if_ this will be of any help but ... I have poor eyesight
also but not any color blindness that either the Dr. or I know of but I
have a difficult time driving at night. The oncoming car headlights star
and blur. The only way I was able to overcome this problem was to use
yellow (haze filter lenses) clip-on over the eyeglasses I wear. This
solved the problem about 90 %, which is better than most remedies that I
use these days.
Another suggestion go to an Eye _Dr._ and ask his help to remedy the
problem .... hey it's only money and if it solves the problem it's money
well spent. I only wish that all of the "other" problems that face us
daily could be solved as easily.
Stay well and have a good day,
Laissez Les Bon Temps Rouler'
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