> The Violet Goby is one of the fish which just plain should not be kept in
> the hobby. They are filter feeders, requiring large amounts of food which
> they can sift out of the water. Unless you are prepared to give it
> plenty of fine plankton as food (brine shrimp, daphnia, etc.), skip this
> fish. It is just doomed to starvation. I've seen them trained to eat
> foods, such as frozen chunks of food, but even then -- the food has to
> practically land in their mouth. If there are other tank mates, they'll
> it first.
Like I said in one of my earlier posts about this I was able to train a
dragon fish to come to a feeding ring and eat very fine sized pellets. He lived a
grew for several years. so doomed to starvation is a little bit extreme. He was
in a tank full of very fast feeding fish but as long as the food came with in
his "pumping mouth and gills" he got plenty of food. He did have a weakness
for daphnia magna when it was in season fro sure.
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