> Driving east on SR 90 from Argyle, just before reaching Ponce de Leon,
> there
> is a park on the south side of the road. This is not part of the nearby
> state
> park. Sandy Creek passes under the highway. A score of Pirate Perch were
> caught (and released) by standing in the river and scooping the dipnet ALL
> the
> way under the plants and overhanging banks. Also some Elassoma evergladei?
> and
> many madtoms were caught. The date was March 21, 10 AM EST. Weather -
> sunny
> and on its way to 86? F.
> Philip
LOL...just about any vegetated stream east of the fall line (roughly a line
from Augusta thru Columbia up to Charlotte) here in SC will have lots of
Pirate Perch. I think next to Gambusia, they are the most common fish in SC.
Chip in SC
ps...I'll prove it if you come to the 2004 NANFA convention in Columbia.
pps....another shameless plug...sorry
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