Friday June 25th we meet in San Marcos, Texas around 5:00 pm at the
Xiphophorus Genetic Stock Center <>
(Stan you asked, You Got!) We will get a tour of the facility by Dr
Ronald Walter or one of his assistants. We will have at least one
speaker, Gary P. Garrett, Ph.D, research manager for the Heart of the
Hills Fisheries Science Center. Gary is one of the researchers that
recently discovered the San Felipe gambusia (Gambusia clarkhubbsi). I
am working on another speaker as well. This will be a joint venture with
the Texas Master Naturalist Program and expect a few TMNers to attend
for advanced training hours.
Saturday, June 26th bright and early we will proceed to the San Marcos
River and some of its tributaries. We will divide up as necessary
depending on the size of the group, led by Steven Campbell Texas Parks
and Wildlife Biologist (NANFA member and Fish and Herp guy). We will be
able to do some serious snorkeling for those so inclined, the water is
720 year round. The river is a favorite site for tubing as well for the
family. Around 4 or 5 I hope to be able to meet at the San Marcos
Nature Center or one of the fish hatcheries nearby to ID and discuss our
findings. I'm also hoping to set up a BBQ afterwards. More details to
Now any of you Louisiana boys (or anyone else for that matter, we just
take rather kindly to our Louisiana cousins don't you know!) are welcome
to come on over if so inclined, if you're not too fish drunk from the
weekend before.
I've put together a fish check list of the species found in the San
Marcos River in Hays Co. Texas. This will give you an idea of what to
expect. I do expect to see the endangered Fountain Darter, maybe while
I am working on the brochure with all the details.
More details coming......
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