Nick Zarlinga
Aquarium Biologist
Cleveland Metroparks Zoo
216.661.6500 ext 4485
><)> -----Original Message-----
><)> From:
><)> On Behalf
><)> Of Steffen Hellner
><)> Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2004 3:04 AM
><)> To:
><)> Subject: Re: NANFA--list content restrictions?
><)> To all NANFAns.
><)> I have carefully read this thread and thought
><)> about its content and meaning
><)> and found it worth to state my personal and final
><)> sight of it.
><)> Professional or not? Obsolet to me. One either has
><)> interest in NANF or not.
><)> On what level with what education or experience
><)> must not be the point.
><)> Otherwise this list would be merely an aquaristic
><)> club in the province.
><)> Topics off topic. I understand and realize that
><)> many people just want to
><)> write and read upon the center of our mutual
><)> interest, fish and their
><)> biology. No politics. OK, I4ll follow that. And if
><)> (when!) politics have
><)> lead to keep us all of the fish, maybe then we can
><)> start debating again.
><)> Close your eyes and dream. Those fish don4t need food.
><)> Personal attacks. I 100% don4t like that, it is
><)> only acceptable face to
><)> face. And I am sure I didn4t offend anybody. But I
><)> wonder why nobody names
><)> the person that is aggressing on this list from a
><)> putative supreme position?
><)> Know that from Germany and don4t like it better
><)> from anywhere else. I have
><)> received mails from some people who have left
><)> NANFA because they had been
><)> insulted personally by a certain person. Maybe it
><)> would be worth posting a
><)> bit on obeydiance and the difference between
><)> respect and fear.
><)> One thing I miss much is experience in breeding
><)> NANFs. Only very few people
><)> seem to care for that and work on it. Many of them
><)> I already knew before
><)> encountering the NANFA mailing list. Most
><)> NANFA-members seem to just jump
><)> into a pond or creek every now and then to get
><)> substitutes for the ones they
><)> killed from last year. Great progress. Of course
><)> such people are not
><)> interested in politics and breeding. If one day it
><)> will no longer be
><)> possible to have most of the natives, they
><)> probably will start collecting
><)> fish-stamps or go to public aquariums or do
><)> anything else. This is about
><)> committment, ladies and gentlemen, nothing more
><)> and nothing less. A friend
><)> from CA once said, I am too intense. He4s right.
><)> But I prefer to be too
><)> intense rather than running on half the steam.
><)> Furthermore I like to encourage everybody to mail
><)> with me upon the topics
><)> which are obviously not wanted on NANFA. And on
><)> fish of course. Then the
><)> poor wining people who have so many mails to take
><)> which they don4t need
><)> don4t have to take mine at least. Well then, and
><)> mine on fish not as well.
><)> My darters are just about to start breeding. And I
><)> have a pond full of SRBD
><)> and will this year have many more to establish
><)> them over here. Where are
><)> your offspring, I ask all the non-political enthusiasts?
><)> Cheerio, had a great time. Take care everybody.
><)> Steffen
><)> ---------------------------
><)> /"Unless stated otherwise, comments made on this
><)> list do not necessarily
><)> / reflect the beliefs or goals of the North
><)> American Native Fishes
><)> / Association"
><)> / This is the discussion list of the North
><)> American Native Fishes Association
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