Re: NANFA--Collecting bugs
Fri, 19 May 2000 23:36:52 EDT

I found a temporary pool below a resevoir where I go bluegill fishing in late
March. The temporary pool was loaded with red cyclops about 1/8-3/16" long.
I dipnetted some cyclops over the next couple of weeks and noticed an
interesting pattern of temporary pool evolution. The first few trips, the
pool was composed of only cyclops with a couple of water tigers. By the
third week ( I collected about once a week), I was still collecting a lot of
cyclops, but there were more predators as I started collecting several
3/8-1/2" damsel fly nymph along with the water tigers. I might add that the
cyclops were mostly found in the open water but the water tigers and
especially the damsel fly nymph were found in the weeds or close to them.
After about 5 weeks, the cyclop population was nearly gone, water boatmen
were evident but not abundant and daphnia were showing up in my collections.
The daphnia population formed thick clouds for almost two weeks and then
totally crashed. Last Monday I collected again and my collection consisted
almost entirely of inch to inch and a half damsel fly nymphs with several
water boatmen and a few larger water tigers. I'm betting when I go back next
week the pool is completely dry and will remain so until next winter's rains
replenish them and begin the cycle again.

My fish sure enjoyed the cycle while it lasted and I have a fair population
of adult daphnia going in a garbage can enriched with year-old horse manure
tea. As for the cyclops, I have very few adults left, but I have an 800
gallon 'vat' with floating anacharis covering nearly the entire surface (6'
diameter) and I can see mini-clouds of tiny cyclops all along the edges as
well as a few clouds of adult daphnia. I'm hopeful that the floating plants
and depth of the vat will allow temps to remain cool enough to keep these
populations flourishing all summer.

Bruce Scott
Meridian, ID
" Wishing I was in Louisiana wrestling gators with B.G. again"

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