NANFA-- AC article on Fundulus lima

George Arndt (
Sat, 26 May 2001 21:37:35 -0400

i found the article on the F. lima splashing its eggs in the air to be
interesting. however, it seems to me that there is a very simple
explanation for the behavior. since as stated in the article the lima will
eat the eggs. then it seems they scatter the eggs randomly through the air
so that they themselves cannot find them so easily to eat every egg. thus
some eggs are not eatten. very simple. all the evidence in the article
points this out. the F lima fish in the middle of a pond ( or aquarium )
will spawn and scatter the eggs. there is nothing around above the water.
but there are the hungry parents below the water ready to eat every egg they
can spot.

George Arndt
Harvard, MA
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