Re: NANFA-- Feeding Crappies - Thanks but...

Ty Hall (
Tue, 21 May 2002 06:58:26 -0500

You may want to try ordering some frozen or freeze dried Krill. I have had luck
getting predators to eat it.


Bob Wiltshire wrote:

> Thanks for all of the responses. The biggest problem I
> face (on this issue only!) is that I am located in the
> mountains of Montana. There is no fishing allowed with
> live minnows so I have no source for them as feeders.
> Also, there are only cold water streams around so I
> have no source of minnows to be seined. I would have
> to drive about 200 miles to get to minnow water.
> I know that I can substitue other fish but the only
> long term soplution I see is to get them converted to
> dry or frozen food.
> One thought I had was canned shrimp or clams - water
> packed. Any thoughts?
> Bob
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