NANFA-- fish room pesticide

geoff (
Sat, 10 May 2003 19:56:32 -0400

I have several tanks in my garage. unfortunately, a colony of ants (pharaoh
ants, I believe) moved in over the last few weeks. I had been noticing ants
in the garage of late and I'd been trying to eradicate them. Then, last
night I found the colony. I was at my sink when I lifted a box - and found
ANTS!!! . I spent the next half hour smashing ants and larvae. Today,
there are just a few wandering aimlessly, but I want to be sure that I got
them all.

Any ideas on a pesticide that will kill ants and not my fish? I have set
out baits but I am thinking about putting down something more ...
aggressive. But I don't want to take out my fish too. I know that
pyrethrins are not to toxic to mammals, but I don't know about fish.

Now, I'm not planning on spraying the tanks, I just want something
relatively safe that I can spray on the ground and walls and not kill all my

Any ideas?

Geoff Kimber
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