NANFA-- hmmm.... The Sequel

Todd Crail (
Wed, 21 May 2003 12:29:13 -0400

So it's like windy and Karner Blues don't fly in the wind, counted all our
larvae this morning, so it's time to see if the success yesterday was lack
of fishing pressure related or weather related or both....

The plan (Mrs. Crail will be emailing her thoughts soon) is to have a fish
fry for NANFAns who come join us to celebrate the closure of my 3rd decade
on Earth here in July. So I guess I better stock up (at least I hope I
need to ;) She'd asked me a while back what I wanted to do for my birthday,
and instead of the usual fall on your face drag em out drink from dawn to
dawn "celebration" of idocy and self pity, I thought we could do something
much more creative this year. A fishing trip with NANFAns seemed to really
fit that bill :)


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