NANFA-- RE: nanfa V1 #1648

Bob Sinclair (
Fri, 23 May 2003 14:36:54 -0700


A mere 825 miles from Media PA to Huntsville... MapQuest says it around
2,100 miles from Santa Barbara - total estimated time: 35 hours, 28 minutes.

But 35 = driving time to cover 2,100 miles? That's ridiculous!

See you at the convention in two few weeks, and looking forward to it.

Have you ever collected darters from Ridley Creek? I forget the specific species,
but used to collect a few to bring back to California with me, when Anne and I flew
back to visit her late mother who was living at Lima Estates, on route 352.

Bob Sinclair

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Date: Mon, 19 May 2003 12:37:21 EDT
Subject: NANFA-- Ride from Philadelphia

Anyone want to share driving from Philadelphia area? I am willing to drive
and share gas expenses if someone wants a ride and provide occasional driving
relief. My map program estimates it to be a 825 mile, 14.5 hour drive. I am
usually OK for about 12 hours driving.

Lee Harper
Media, PA

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