I tried having another Bluegill or a Pumpkinseed in there with Piglet.
But, here's the problem: Piglet earned his name by being, well, A PIG!
He is always the FIRST to the worms when it's feeding time. He grabs the
worm and then I try to feed the other fish...and he grabs that one, too!!
He's so ridiculous about it that he will have 2-3 worms hanging out of his
mouth while I have already fed him and was trying to get those worms he
grabbed to the other fish in the tank.
He has the tank to himself now. He watches me when I am anywhere near the
tank and begs for food pretty much constantly!
What can I do about him? Should I just leave him in the tank alone? I know
that Bluegills are schooling fish. But, if I put anything else in there with
him, they will starve as a result of his sheer gluttony!
Any ideas?
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